About Us

BraCE Project is the result from the discussions made in a researching group which takes place in Federal Universtiy of Bahia for about nine years and it is concerned on developing reflections about the global spread of the English as a Lingua Franca concept (ELF) and its implications and developments around the world (www.elfbrasil.com). By realizing the need of providing empirical data for Brazilian researchers to develop different kinds of studies on ELF, we have embraced the objetive of constructing a Corpus with our own local and natural interactions of English as a Lingua Franca. The idea is to provide data to dialogue with other researchers around the world and to bring up reflections about specific uses of English in our context. The Project has been going on since January of 2017, and this site is showing a bit of the results we have reached so far. Here you can find the Corpus as well as explanations about the contexts in which we have collected data, methodology, information about our team and research. We hope you can enjoy the information we have made available here and any questions, suggestions or reflections are always welcome. Prof. Dr. Lucielen Porfirio (Lead researcher) Department of Germanic Languages Institute of Letters at UFBA Salvador, Bahia, Brazil