Other Corpora

As we have mentioned, BraCES is not the only corpora of Lingua Franca available for research. Actually we have started our project in 2017 and we are still going through small steps into having corpora with a good amount of data for analysis. 


Other corpora around the world have made a great history of Lingua Franca Research. The first one of them, VOICE (Vienna Oxford Corpus of English) is the pioneer and it was created by Barbara Seidlhofer (2001-2007). In order to access the corpus, the researcher needs to create a login and password. All the interactions of the corpus are presented explaining the context and basic information, such as number of words and time of interaction. 


Also, we should mention ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings), created by Ana Mauranen (2004-2008), and composed of a million words recorded from oral interactions in Lingua Franca in an academic context. In order to have access to the corpus, the user must make a request through email. The whole corpora may be sent back to the researcher through email in a zip file and it does not present information about the context of interaction.  


Another Corpus collection we bring here is ACE  (Asian Corpus of English), created by Andy Kirkpatrick (2009- 2014) and containing 1 million words of interactions in English as a Lingua Franca in Asian territory. Most of the corpus was collected in an academic context and the transcriptions are available in the site. However, most of the audios are not available, but they can be requested to the projects’ coordinators through email. 


In Brazil, BraCES is still starting and we are trying to include also a Spanish corpus with the perspective of Lingua Franca. As for the Spanish context, this is a pioneer work and we hope to motivate discussions over interactions of Spanish as a Lingua Franca (SLF)  in Latin America or/and around the world.